I already got some snowfall up in my hood. The attached picture's the view from my backyard, with snow on rooftops.
Now I have to make the garage dog-proof, so my little hellions won't rip up the lawn mower, get into the fence stain, etc etc etc.
ps here's a larger view of the attached image:
http://vpoy.deviantart.com/art/Just-go t-home-from-illinois-66723451
and another, unrelated image, with some view of mountains. :
http://vpoy.deviantart.com/art/Hey-hey -hey-66723339
you can click to biggify, etc.
Woo! Snow rules!
We've gotten even more since then, but my camera's out of batteries.
The best part of all this is that it should climb back into the 70's this week. :\