Yesterday I went out with the niece and nephew for a little fun timeeee.
Not including pictures of the kiddos because, well, it's NG.
Anyway, the day started with a trip to an airport eatery, so the kids could watch planes go buy. Unexpected coolness featured a Marines Jet stopping in for a refueling or something.
pix: /VeryProudofYa/IMG_0246.jpg /VeryProudofYa/IMG_0245.jpg /VeryProudofYa/IMG_0247.jpg
Then we fed sum ducks. There were an insane number there, given the weather lately. But they were there, and hungry. I was most intrigued by the little black ones with the white beaks that were jaunting around. /VeryProudofYa/IMG_0256.jpg
Here's a good shot of one diving for food, I like the little water spray /VeryProudofYa/IMG_0255.jpg
Oh, they also had some kind of crazy-ass dinosaur feet: /VeryProudofYa/IMG_0258.jpg and /VeryProudofYa/IMG_0252.jpg
Additional shot of the black bird, with decent detail on water beading off of it's feathers: /VeryProudofYa/IMG_0257.jpg
There also happened to be a huge pigeon population roaming around, I was most interested in this little cowpigeon: /VeryProudofYa/IMG_0261.jpg
anddddd, here's the boss hog, he was a very large goose, stomping around and taking shit from nobody. He encroached on my niece and nephew a few times, and I literally put my foot on him and shoved him away, only to have him look at me with a bird like expression of, "Lookit this mothafucka"
He was not to be trifled with. /VeryProudofYa/IMG_0249.jpg
so yeah. Also here's a large pillar that's going to support a new freeway around here. I took it from a moving car, so it looks like shit. But meh.
The pillar looks fine to me.
Great photo's =]
Birds are cool
i've got a pillar or two for you.